If you are not expected to include in-text citations in the word count for your document, try using the Writer's Diet Test to check the word count. If you are using a different word processing program, please search online for the appropriate instructions to calculate the word count. If you are using Microsoft Word for Mac, you can view the word count in the status bar at the bottom left corner of the page: If you are working in a PC version of Microsoft Word, you can click the Word Count button, which can be found under the Review tab in the Proofing section: If you are unsure of the expectations for your work, please check with your instructor or publishing editor for direction. Since in-text citations are essential in academic writing to acknowledge sources of information and prevent plagiarism, including them in the word count aligns them at the same level of importance as the rest of the information in the work. The default settings of the word-count function of your word-processing program are acceptable for determining the word count. To determine word count, count every word from beginning to end, including all in-text citations, reference entries, tables, figures (other than words in a figure image, which may not be captured by word count), and appendices. According to the American Psychological Association (APA, 2020), If you're writing for an academic audience, you're probably aiming for a specific word count.