So, once your computer has got a couple of hours into the party, it might not be as able to process data as quickly as it did at the start of the night - requiring the latency setting to be increased. Remember too that a hot computer can “throttle back” or “throttle down” its CPU cores as a way of cooling the cores. Similarly, hooking up a MIDI device with 100 encoders and 200 LEDs may take more of a toll on laptop processing than a MIDI device with 20 encoders etc. Crackles, pops, drop outs, skipping etc are all things that happen when the number of things that the computer has to think about (dozens of times per second) are too much for the computer specification eg: signs that the latency setting is too low.Įvery program or subroutine that’s running on the computer and everything thats connected to the computer will give the computer more and more to think about.